

Anne Broadbent

Anne Broadbent

University of Ottawa
Faculty Member
Quantum Cryptography, Quantum Complexity and Quantum Information

Professor Broadbent is the University of Ottawa Research Chair in Quantum Information and Cryptography.

Hadi Salmasian

Hadi Salmasian

University of Ottawa
Faculty Member
Representation theory and its interactions with algebraic combinatoric and supergeomety.

I am a Full Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Ottawa, and a former Alexander von Humboldt Fellow. I am interested in applications of Lie algebras, root systems, and finite groups of Lie type in cryptography and quantum information theory.

Jason Crann

Jason Crann

Carleton University
Faculty Member
Operator algebras, quantum groups, quantum information

I am an Associate Professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at Carleton University. In addition to QUASAR, I am a member of the Joint Analysis Group between uOttawa and Carleton. I am also an Affiliate Member of the Institute for Quantum Computing in Waterloo.

Monica Nevins

Monica Nevins

University of Ottawa
Faculty Member
Representation Theory, Post-Quantum Cryptography

I earned my PhD (MIT) in 1998, and was a Killam Postdoctoral Fellow (uAlberta) before coming to uOttawa, where I am now a Full Professor. I specialize in the representation theory of p-adic groups, which provides me with a plethora of algebraic tools with which to explore mathematical and post-quantum cryptography.

Arthur Mehta

Arthur Mehta

University of Ottawa
Faculty Member
Quantum graphs, non-local games, quantum computational advantage

Arthur completed his M.Math in pure mathematics at the University of Waterloo, and PhD in mathematics at the University of Toronto prior to his position at uOttawa. His interests are focused on exploring problems that lie at the intersection of pure mathematics, computer science and physics.


Benoit Collins

Benoit Collins

Kyoto University
Faculty Member
Operator Algebras, Random Matrix, Quantum information

Math PhD in 2003, worked in France (CNRS), uOttawa and Kyoto U

Delaram Kahrobaei

Delaram Kahrobaei

City University of New York
Faculty Member
Post-quantum Algebraic Cryptography

Professor Delaram Kahrobaei is the University Dean for Research at the City University of New York and a full Professor in the Computer Science and Mathematics departments at Queens College (CUNY). She is also an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at Center for Cyber Security at the New York University as well as the President/co-founder of a university start-up Infoshield, Inc.

Postdoctoral Researchers

Connor Paddock

Connor Paddock

University of Ottawa
Postdoctoral Fellow
Anne Broadbent
Quantum Information

I am a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Ottawa. I obtained a Ph.D. in the mathematics of quantum information from the University of Waterloo under the supervision of Jon Yard and William Slofstra. My interests lie in quantum entanglement, nonlocal games, and their applications.

Jyoti Faujdar

Jyoti Faujdar

University of Ottawa
Postdoctoral Fellow
Anne Broadbent
Distributed Quantum Computation

I'm a MITACS Accelerate Postdoctoral Fellow, working on a DQC project in collaboration with Ericsson Montreal. Before joining uOttawa, I worked as a Knowledge Associate at the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Mumbai, India for one year. And, I completed my PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, India in Quantum information.

Joshua Nevin

Joshua Nevin

University of Ottawa
Postdoctoral Fellow
Anne Broadbent
Quantum Cryptography

My work focuses on the application of techniques from classical simulation of quantum systems to the development of new protocols in quantum cryptography. Before joining the University of Ottawa, my previous affiliation was the University of Waterloo, where I earned a PhD in the department of Combinatorics and Optimization in 2021.

Denis Rochette

Denis Rochette

Université de Toulouse (Paul Sabatier)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Anne Broadbent
Quantum Information Theory & Representation Theory

I obtained my Ph.D. in mathematics at the University of Toulouse in 2023, and since then I have been doing my postdoc in uOttawa. I work mainly in quantum information theory, on questions related to non-local games.


Laura Maddison

Laura Maddison

University of Ottawa
MSc Student
Monica Nevins
Post-Quantum Cryptography

I am a Master’s student in mathematics focusing on cryptanalysis of proposed quantum-safe digital signature schemes. I am particularly interested in multivariate-based signature algorithms that make use of the theory of finite fields. Outside of my studies, I am a competitive highland dancer.

Peter Yuen

Peter Yuen

University of Ottawa
PhD Student
Anne Broadbent
Quantum Cryptography

I have a B.Sc. from the University of Saskatchewan and a M.Sc. from McGill University. My M.Sc. work was centered around conformal geometry. I have since redirected my focus to researching quantum cryptography and the ways in which it can be made more practical. I also enjoy all coffee-related things.

Sohrab Ganjian

Sohrab Ganjian

University of Ottawa
MSc Student
Anne Broadbent
Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Algorithms

I am a Master’s student in Mathematics under the supervision of Dr. Broadbent. My research interests are in quantum cryptography and quantum algorithms. In my free time, I like to travel, play soccer and chess and meet new people!

Sébastien Lord

Sébastien Lord

University of Ottawa
PhD Student
Anne Broadbent
Quantum Cryptography

I hold a B.Sc. from l'Université de Moncton as well as an M.Sc. from the University of Ottawa. As an undergraduate student, I did research in the field of particle physics phenomenology before shifting to quantum cryptography for my graduate studies. In my free time, I enjoy solving crossword puzzles.

Xinyi Huang

Xinyi Huang

University of Ottawa
PhD Student
Anne Broadbent
Quantum Cryptography

I’m a Ph.D. Student in Mathematics under the supervision of Dr. Sankoff and Dr. Broadbent. My research interest lies primarily in Quantum Key Recycling. I’m also a number theory enthusiast!

Pierre Botteron

Pierre Botteron

Université de Toulouse (Paul Sabatier)
PhD Student
Anne Broadbent
Quantum Information Theory

Hi! I'm a French PhD student, working under the joint supervision of Anne Broadbent (Ottawa), and Ion Nechita and Clément Pellegrini (Toulouse, France). We work on the link between post-quantum resources and communication complexity.

Daniel Lovsted

Daniel Lovsted

University of Ottawa
MSc Student
Anne Broadbent
Quantum Computing

I am a master’s student in mathematics, supervised by Dr. Broadbent. My background is in philosophy, computer science, and mathematics, and my current research interests are in quantum computing. Outside of school, I am involved in linguistics competitions (e.g., NACLO) as a problem writer, organizer, and coach.

Sherry Wang

Sherry Wang

University of Ottawa
MCS Student
Anne Broadbent
Quantum Cryptography

Hello! I’m Sherry (she/her), and I'm a Master's student in Computer Science with Prof. Broadbent and Prof. Adams at the University of Ottawa.

Amir Baniamerian

Amir Baniamerian

University of Ottawa
MSc Student
Hadi Salmasian
Quantum information theory

Long-Term Visitors

Entong He

Entong He

University of Hong Kong
BEng Student
Anne Broadbent & Connor Paddock
Nonlocal Games
Silvia Ritsch

Silvia Ritsch

Eindhoven University of Technology
PhD Student
Anne Broadbent
Post-Quantum Cryptography

Silvia Ritsch is a doctoral candidate working on post-quantum cryptography as part of the Quantum-Safe Internet (QSI) project. Her research is focused on password-authenticated key exchange secure against quantum attacks.


Katarina Spasojevic

Katarina Spasojevic

University of Ottawa
Undergraduate Student
Monica Nevins
Lidong Xu

Lidong Xu

University of Ottawa
Visiting Student
Anne Broadbent
Quantum Cryptography
Christopher Battarbee

Christopher Battarbee

University of York
PhD Student
Delaram Kahrobaei
Post-quantum Cryptography
Christine Schuknecht

Christine Schuknecht

University of Ottawa
MSc Student
Anne Broadbent
Quantum Cryptography
Eric Culf

Eric Culf

University of Ottawa
MSc Student
Anne Broadbent
Quantum Cryptography
Faouzi Al Haj Saeed

Faouzi Al Haj Saeed

University of Ottawa
Undergraduate Student
Anne Broadbent
Nonlocal Games
Allan Merino

Allan Merino

University of Ottawa
Postdoctoral Fellow
Hadi Salmasian
Representation Theory, Character Theory, Howe Duality
Martti Karvonen

Martti Karvonen

University of Ottawa
Postdoctoral Fellow
Anne Broadbent
Category theory and its applications
Oren Scheer

Oren Scheer

University of Ottawa
Undergraduate Student
Anne Broadbent
Quantum cryptography
Supartha Podder

Supartha Podder

University of Ottawa
Postdoctoral Fellow
Anne Broadbent
Complexity theory, Quantum computing
Filip Stojanovic

Filip Stojanovic

University of Ottawa
Undergraduate Student
Monica Nevins
Maria Perepechaenko

Maria Perepechaenko

University of Ottawa
MSc Student
Monica Nevins
Post-quantum cryptography
Michael Sloan

Michael Sloan

Carleton University
Undergraduate Student
Jason Crann
Representation Theory
Nicolas Castro

Nicolas Castro

University of Ottawa
Undergraduate Student
Hadi Salmasian
Spherical t-designs and Unitary t-designs

I helped build this website.

Nolive Gnan

Nolive Gnan

University of Ottawa
Undergraduate Student
Monica Nevins
Post Quantum Cryptography
Yasin Elmi

Yasin Elmi

University of Ottawa
Undergraduate Student
Anne Broadbent
Quantum Cryptography
Alexandre Conlon

Alexandre Conlon

Carleton University
MSc Student
Jason Crann
Quantum Information Theory
Anna Gow

Anna Gow

Carleton University
MSc Student
Jason Crann
Mathematical Physics
Anna Kis

Anna Kis

University of Waterloo
Undergraduate Student
Monica Nevins
Quantum algorithms/hidden subgroup problem
Abrar Kazi

Abrar Kazi

Carleton University
Undergraduate Student
Jason Crann
Quantum Information Theory
Blake Stanley

Blake Stanley

Carleton University
Undergraduate Student
Jason Crann
Quantum Information Theory
Christopher Karpinski

Christopher Karpinski

Carleton University
MSc Student
Jason Crann
Mathematical Physics
Kemal Yazlyyev

Kemal Yazlyyev

Carleton University
Undergraduate Student
Jason Crann
Mathematical Physics
Joseph Gondek

Joseph Gondek

Operator Algebras
Undergraduate Student
Jason Crann
Mathematical Physics
Quintin Trayling

Quintin Trayling

Carleton University
MSc Student
Jason Crann
Mathematical Physics
Zachary Zanussi

Zachary Zanussi

Carleton University
MSc Student
Jason Crann
Quantum Information Theory
Rabib Islam

Rabib Islam

University of Ottawa
MSc Student
Anne Broadbent
Quantum Cryptography

I am QUASAR's webmaster.

© QUASAR 2025